Thursday 9 May 2013

May 8, 2013 - Wednesday

The wind has picked up but it is still a glorious day in Edmonton.  Sleeping has not been the best in the Edmonton downtown Holiday Inn.  My room must be jinxed because the first night someone called in the middle of the night asking for Boston Pizza, and on the second night I was awakened by very loud female and male voices, groans, moans, loud expressive noises but lucky for me it was short lived....from what I could hear no more than a quickie!  Disrupted sleep.....last hour deep sleep, and then the alarm went off and a new day was about to begin.  
Evansdale School is a very large school with over 340 students.  I told stories to 300 of them in three separate sessions.  I even had a few grade two students sit in on a second session and they were thrilled.  One hundred little faces staring back at you as you take them on a journey is quite beautiful and very powerful.  They were hanging on my every word.  Evansdale School is a melting pot of the world.  Children from every walk of life, different challenges, different nationalities all sitting together.  They were wonderful.  The school was great and so were the teachers.  Everyone has been so welcoming.  
Pat Sparling and the music specialist took me out to lunch. Veggie wrap in a flat bread pita with a bottle of water and I am a happy camper.  The order is placed and I grab my bottle of water, throw it into my purse and I head for the washroom.  When I get to the table the two teachers are happily eating.  I am looking forward to the wrap. I spread the tzadziki around evenly and then I take a bite or two.  I notice something beige in the next bite....I think stir fried tofu in a veggie lovely. I sink my teeth into that lovely tofu, I chew for a second or two and then I! This kinda tastes like chicken.  Well I don't have to tell you what came next! Pat realizes that she is happily munching on my veggie wrap and I have gotten her chicken wrap.  No worries- back to the counter we go and a new veggie wrap is ordered.  I feel terrible that Pat has bought me two wraps but she says no problem- my son will be very happy to have the chicken wrap later!
Edmonton is quite spread out so taxi is the mode of travel for me.  So long Edmonton, I am heading to the airport to fly back on a small plane to Calgary...two seats on either side of the aisle and propellors that zip round and round.  Just my luck the airplane to Lethbridge is even smaller and there is just one seat per person on each side of the aisle.  We can also see the pilot and the co-pilot as they fly the plane with the vibrating seats.  I watch one propellor whirl, not quite sure why the one on my side isn't whirling....patience I figure....yup!  Two are now whirling and we will soon be on our way.  Landing was fun too.  Woohoo I can see the runway out the front windshield as we head down to the tiny airstrip.  Don't miss the strip I think, land safely if you will.....and the captain does.  Welcome to of the tiniest airports I have seen in a long while!

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